Volume 11 (2022-2023)
Volume 10 (2021-2022)
Volume 9 (2019-2020)
Volume 8 (2018-2019)
Volume 7 (2017-2018)
Volume 6 (2016-2017)
Volume 5 (2015-2016)
Volume 4 (2014-2015)
Volume 3 (2013-2014)
Volume 2 (2012-2013)
Volume 1 (2011-2012)
Private Law
L’exception de connexité en procédure civile de l'Iran et de la France

Badie Fathi

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 9-41


  Il est possible que deux ou plusieurs affaires connexes devant deux juridictions distinctes et egalement competentes est en train d’etre instruit et en ce cas il exige que ces affaires mettent ensemble,  envisagant ces rasions: la réduction des coûts sociaux et économiques, ...  Read More

Private Law
Protection of Fictional Characters in Literary and Artistic Property Law System

Mehdi Zahedi; Sara Solhchi

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 43-74


  In contemporary intellectual property law, literary and artistic property rights extend beyond mere movies or literary works to encompass the fictional characters integral to these creative endeavors. This legal support not only serves to inspire creators but also to safeguard their imaginative achievements. ...  Read More

Private Law
Transaction with the Purpose to Escape Debt Payment from Perspective of the General Goals of Contract Law

alireza bariklou; Alireza Azarbaijani; Hasan Omidvar

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 75-118


  The function of contemporary contract law goes beyond its classical function, which focused on the principle of contractual private and mutual interests. So that the function of contract law is to achieve social goals that are mainly to protect the security of legal relationship and necessity of debts ...  Read More

Private Law
A Legal Analysis to the Manner of Directors Board Members’ and Executive Manager’s Fiduciary Possession of Joint Stock Company’s Property

Ahad Gholizadeh Manghutay

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 119-148


  Bill Amending a Part of the Commerce Act  1969 (BACAI) is ambiguous about the manner of directors board members’ and executive manager’s fiduciary possession of joint stock company’s property. Commerce Act in other companies deems manager’s possession of company’s property ...  Read More

International Law
Protecting the Right to Informational Privacy against the Threats Caused by Military Artificial Intelligence

Fereshteh Banafi

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 149-176


  Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer system to solve problems and perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence. Artificial intelligence technologies have evolved for decades. Today, many countries are going to develop artificial intelligence in their military programs. ...  Read More

International Political Economy
Natural Monopoly Caused by Information Technology in the International Banking Network

mahmood bagheri; Saeed Rahmani; yasamin afsharifard

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 177-205


  With the emergence of the age of explosion of information and communication, all aspects of human life were affected by this. In such a way that the use of technology has become one of the inseparable parts of today's world. With the expansion of global trade, the need for advanced systems for monetary ...  Read More

Private Law
Protection of Debtors on Assignment with a View to the Laws of Iran and England and the Principles of European Contract Law

Mohamad hossein Taghipour; Seyedeh tahereh Mosavi khatir

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 207-240


  Any right, whether positive or negative, can be transferred. Assignment means that all or a part of the existing obligation is transferred to one or more persons with the agreement of the assigner and the assignee without obtaining the consent and agreement of the debtor, for compensation or free of ...  Read More

Oil and Gas Law
Transfer Pricing of Multinational Enterprises in the Oil and Gas Industries and the Method of Coping with It

Hesam Khodayarinejad; Mehrab Darabpour

Volume 12, Issue 45 , January 2024, Pages 241-282


  Tax has undeniable role in Provision of the governments general budget and special position in financial regime of all oil and gas contracts. Host states always trying to provide presence and investment conditions of multinational enterprices in oil and gas industry for advancing their economic goals ...  Read More