Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D., Private Law, Tarbiat, Modares University,Tehran, Iran


The applicable law in intellectual property lawsuits is one of the new topics in the field of conflict of laws and has recently attracted the attention of legal scholars. actually, many of the questions in this field are still vague and controversial, and no precise answer can be found. One of the most challenging issues related to the applicable law in these lawsuits are the conflict of law rules and in particular “the Lex Loci Protectionis” which is based on the principle of territoriality as the most important feature. Moreover some new questions as to whether the territoriality principle is appropriate for transnational infringment of intellectual property rights were raised.Given the short history of this issue in international legal documents, the lack of relevant legal rules in Iranian law is no surprise .In this article, we seek to answer two main questions. in general, and in accordance with international regulations, is the Lex Loci Protectionis recognized as a general conflict of law rule for intellectual property lawsuits? If so, is such a conflict of law rule appropriate for Iran's legal system as a developing country


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