Document Type : Research Paper



Globalization of law is an incontestable reality. It is a major concern, which
can be justified not only from structural, conceptual and legal values perspectives,
but also in terms of the legislative patterning realm. Laws of Islamic Nations
cannot remain unaffected from this reality.
The basis of viable regulation and legal conceptions in European systems, and
generally in the West, has a humane rationality nature. Thus, from substantive
perspective, globalization can be considered to be a kind of threat to laws of
Islamic Nations, since in Islamic law, humane rationality is not the sole basis for
the credibility of legal values, conceptions and structures. Here, it is assumed that
globalization can be viewed as an opportunity, and the adoption of Unified
Islamic Civil Code by following European Civil Code pattern may be regarded as
an example of this opportunity. Nevertheless, the establishment of European Civil
Code and an Islamic Civil Code encounters many challenges. By analysing these
challenges, this article aims to present some solutions.


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