Document Type : Research Paper



The adoption of Article 495 of new Islamic Penal Code has removed the
ambiguity in determining physicians’ liability basis . In other words, it considers
physicians’ civil liability on the basis of presumed fault. However, the questions
are: What are criteria for this fault? On what basis, will judges make a judgment
for liability or lack of liability of physicians? Iranian lawyers have not
addressed these questions clearly and adequately. The general requirement of
"Failure to comply with reasonable skill and care standards" had been
mentioned by foreign lawyers and academics in leading legal systems for the
purpose of recognizing physicians' fault . Having said that, due to extensive
criticisms, particularly by German lawyers, this criterion has challenged these
legal systems. As a result, the "objective fault" criterion is gradually changing
to "a relative fault" criterion. It means that in recognizing the fault, the
reasonable physician’s behavior is not the only criterion and other similar
physicians are also the pattern for recognition of his fault.


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