Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of private law, University of Isfahan

2 university of Isfahan

3 Associate Professor, University of Isfahan, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Law


In contractual relationships, the principle is to preserve and continue contractual relationships in order to prevent social and economic losses. This is the basis of the concept of "conversion of contract" analysed by judges by considering the "practical result", that is, economic purposes of the parties within the framework of "social interests". Therefore, the conversion of contract goes beyond the issue of interpretation, since it is justified on the basis of the "socialization of law" approach. In addition, this theory is not in conflict with Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), because it focuses on the socialization of law at the level of "the purpose of the contract" and does not seek to regain the basis of the validity of the contract in the social conscience. Therefore, it has been recognised as a legal rule in Fiqh and Articles 144 and 618 of the Civil Codes of Egypt and Afghanistan. In Iranian legal system, it has not been recognized despite its practical implications. Since, the conversion of contract has economic and social benefits and is not in conflict with Fiqh, it can be adopted in the Civil Code by putting various instances under one title.




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