Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of the university of Maragheh, deparment of law, Maragheh, Iran


Vegetative State is a type of brain damage that despite the death of the brain hemispheres, the brain stem continues to work. In this situation, the patient has no mental and cognitive function and is not able to consciously communicate with the environment. Due to the lack of relevant laws in this area in most legal systems, the legal aspects of this situation have not been adequately explained. The issue of the life or death of these patients is one of the important issues for explaining the legal status of patients in a vegetative state. In this study, according to the religious and jurisprudential concept of death according to the sanctity of the right to life and with the similarity with the regulations governing the incapacity, the view of being alive has been accepted and according to this view and with a comparative approach, the legal effects of vegetative state has been analyzed. The selection of a guardian and trustee and the transfer of financial affairs to them, the possibility of seeking divorce due to circumstances created by the spouse in a vegetative state, and the termination of personal contracts are the most important legal effects that have been accepted in this study


Main Subjects

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