Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


Article 477 of the Code of Criminal Procedure allows the head of the judiciary and other officials in the judiciary to, If they find the vote illegal, re-examine it through the methods available to them in Sharia, and if they recognize opposition to the Shari'a, the head of the judiciary allows the retrial. In this case, the authority for the retrial will be one of the branches of the Supreme Court among the branches that have been assigned to this matter. Although this procedure is useful for overseeing the work of the courts and protecting rights, the procedure is complex, vague and opaque, and not accessible to all people. In addition, this method is contrary to the general rules of procedure, including the rule of respect for the right to defense, the rule of openness and transparency of the proceedings, the rule of procedure, the rule of court hierarchy, the rule of judges independence, the rule of equality of the people before the law. In this article, an attempt has been made to adapt this article to the rules of procedure and to review it


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