نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
1 گروه حقوق، دانشکدۀ علوم انسانی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد همدان، همدان، ایران
2 استادیار گروه حقوق، دانشکده حقوق و علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران
بخش عمدهای از زندگی اشخاص در فضای مجازی و شبکههای اجتماعی در حال جریان است که بدون داشتن انواع حساب کاربری در زمینههای مختلف امکانپذیر نیست. تداوم و استمرار رابطۀ کاربر با حساب کاربری برای وی نوعی حق ایجاد میکند. تعیین نوع و ماهیت این حق موجب اختلافنظر حقوقدانان گردیده است. برخی رابطۀ کاربر با حساب کاربری را بر مبنای حقّ دینی توصیف کردهاند و برای کاربر صرفاً حقّ استفاده قائلند؛ درحالیکه برخی دیگر آن را نوعی حقّ عینی دانسته و برای کاربر حقّ مالکیت قائل هستند. پذیرش هریک از این نظرات آثار حقوقی متفاوتی را بهویژه بعد از فوت کاربر به دنبال خواهد داشت. اگرچه این موضوع هنوز در حقوق ایران مجال طرح نیافته است اما، در حقوق خارجی به وضع قوانین و رویۀ قضایی خاصی انجامیده است. مقالۀ حاضر سعی دارد ماهیت حقوقی حساب کاربری و حقوق مترتب بر آن را با رویکردی تطبیقی مورد بررسی قرار دهد.
عنوان مقاله [English]
User Account, Virtual Property, Digital Property, Digital Inheritance
نویسندگان [English]
- Morteza Vesali Naseh 1
- shahram Rahmani 2
1 Faculty of Law,Islamic Azad Univercity,Hamadan,Iran
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]
A major part of people's lives is going on in cyberspace and social networks, which is not possible without having various user accounts in different fields. Continuity and continuation of the user's relationship with the user account creates a kind of right for him. Determining the type and nature of this right has caused a difference of opinion among jurists. Some describe the right to user account as a Right in Personam and the other as a right in rem. The acceptance of each of these opinions will have different legal effects, especially after the death of the user. Basically, from the point of view of law, the relationship between persons and objects is described in the form of rights (either ownership, usufruct, or easement). In the current research, the relationship between individuals and user accounts has been described in the form of a kind of right and has been examined under the title of "right to the user account". Analyzing the legal dimensions of the user account and its effects and results requires the identification of this right or, in better words, the explanation of the legal nature of the relationship between individuals and the user account. Analyzing the legal nature of a person's relationship with a user account can have different legal effects. Based on the determination of the nature of the right on the user account, the legal dimensions of the user account can be studied and the questions raised in this regard can be answered. Questions such as what rights do the account holders have? Can the user be considered the owner of the user account and be given ownership rights or do users only have the right to use and the user account is not considered as a property? Does the user account have a proprietary value? Is the user account considered part of the estate after the death, and what rights do the heirs of the user account have in relation to the user account?
The analysis of user accounts and related rights is based on the separation of the mere user account from the content of it (content). On this basis, the user account itself is the subject of contract law and the user's relationship with it is subject to the terms of service agreement. However, the content created in the user account, which has added value to the user account by spending time and searching, belongs to the user. Based on this separation, what is the right to the user account in terms of the user's relationship with the user account, it is a kind of religious right for them only the right to use, but in terms of the user's relationship with the account's content, the right to the user account is a type of objective right that the user has the right to use, which will create property rights.
In Iranian law, no laws or regulations regarding user accounts and in general regarding virtual property and assets of people in cyberspace and social networks have been approved. It is obvious that the increasing use of cyberspace and social networks will make it inevitable for Iranian legislators to enact special laws. The current research considers the design of the "legal system governing virtual platforms" in which the rights and duties of the users and owners of the platforms are well explained as necessary and inevitable. It seems that the first legislative action can be the legal identification of "property and virtual assets" and determine the assignment of these assets after the death of the user.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- User Account
- Virtual Property
- Digital Asset
- Digital Property
- Digital Inheritance
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